Monday, 10 August 2009

The Markets: When Sticking To Your Guns Feels Like A Futile Gesture By Gareth Milliams

Apologies Father for I have sinned, it has been nearly a month since my last post.

It has been a while. I feel a bit like the man who built a nuclear shelter. And waited. And waited. Only for the Berlin Wall to collapse along with the Soviet empire.

A year ago, I sold my clients equity assets and held just physical gold and currencies. Until last week, this was still my strategy. Maybe I'm a bitter-ender, the last man standing, but I cannot believe that all is well, when the worlds financial architecture crumbled less than a year ago.

There has been no reform, unless massive quantitative easing constitutes reformation. But chucking money at a bankrupt financial system is like putting out an oil fire with water. There will be an explosion and people shall be burned.

So, I'll stick to my guns until I know I'm wrong and I will not risk my clients money buying equities in a market as brittle as this.

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